
We recently had to say goodbye to Snowball, our faithful companion, who loved us all unconditionally for 15 years. She was an unstoppable silly dog, relentless protector and loved us and our children their whole lives. There was never a day that she did not brighten our day, help us wipe away our tears, or sat by our side. She comforted our children when they were afraid of the dark by climbing in bed with them, knew when we were upset and would comfort us, made numerous cross country road trips with us and have been here to greet us every day for the last 15 years. We really could not have asked for a better dog. We miss her dearly every day, but we know she is in a very good place and no longer in pain. As we adjust to life without Snowball, we can reflect on how lucky we were that she found us.

Goodbye sweet Snowball! We love you forever and will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge.

The Graber Family
