
Mumu lived a long and exciting life. A dog that travelled many miles, and has so many happy tails to tell. You can choose to believe her stories – some of which can seem beyond belief- but know the truth of her loving heart, and her tenacious protective nature.

Her story began as a young pup in Chihuahua, Mexico, born into a large family loved dearly by a matriarch of foreign descent. Her mother, a miniature pincher, left to be a single mum after her first litter taught Mumu to be a strong and fearless puppy. Muneca (Mu’s birth name) loved her life until she was suddenly whipped away from her familia, and taken to Arizona where she lived with a large Mexican family. It was there that she was forced to battle in epic Chihuahua fights, an underground sport, and sad entertainment for the local kids in her small town. Mumu was fast, and tough, and won all of her fights; quickly standing out as a world class contender. She had one last fight before she was forced into breeding, a fight that shook Mu to her core. She was up against another dog who had a familiar smell, one that reminded her of her sweet madre, and of her hometown. It was her brother Nibbles, but he did not recognize Mu, having his sniffer pummeled so many times made his sense of smell nearly disappear. It was a fight to the the finish, with Mumu reluctantly winning over her already weak brother, Nibbles.

Mu knew her fighting days were now over. Shortly thereafter she was bred, hoping for a lineage of more champion Chihuahua fighting dogs. However, Mumu managed to escape her captive family, and found her way to Mesa Town, AZ. She had a few small litters of puppies, and made ends meet by singing backup in a mariachi band playing at local Mexican restaurants around town. Unfortunately, Mumu had several more litters of pups, even when cared for by a Mexican family with two young children who loved Mumu very much. Sadly, this was during a time in AZ when the “heat was on” for brown skinned people. The county sheriff was even found guilty of illegal racial profiling. The family had feared for their wellbeing, and was in process of leaving Arizona for a place that they could feel safe again. This meant that they would need to get rid of their pets. Having acquired two more dogs, some immature and annoying shih-tzus that Mumu felt sorely towards for stealing the affections of her once caring family.

In 2010, the family placed an ad on Craigslist advertising free dogs. A young woman in Tempe answered the ad, having moved into a big new apartment with her niece who was grieving the recent loss of her own mother. We needed a dog in our life desperately! You can say it was fate finding Mumu, having initially hope to go home with one of the younger, and fluffier shih-tzus, and presumably free, the family suddenly wanted $100 for one of those dogs – but I could have the Chihuahua for free. Michelle did not think twice. She didn’t mind that Mumu had been barking at her from the moment she walked through the door, she was ready to take on the Mumu. The minute Mumu was thrusted into Michelle’s arms, she immediately quieted down, and relaxed into the unknown.

Something inside told her that Michelle would take good care of her, whatever that meant, she knew it was going to be the best home ever, and it was. She was given soft blankets to lay on, and even an actual bed. Mumu didn’t have to fight and hoard food anymore, and she went on daily walks. Mumu even went to the vet, and although she was never broken, she got fixed! The once free dog on Craigslist turned into a $1000 vet bill within a week. Mumu got her teeth clean, shots, spayed, and there was even an abnormal growth on her leg she had removed. Although this was a difficult time for Mu, she knew it was for her own well being. She showered her new mom with so much love, and loyalty.

Once Mumu was all healed she continued to go on long walks by the lake, car adventures, and got many loving belly rubs. She was loving her new life so much! New clothes, good food, and fun times was Mumu’s new normal. A few years into this new life, we packed up and moved from AZ to CO, and Mu got to spend time being loved by even more family members. Her favorite pastime became spending time at Grandmas house, and getting beard nuzzles by a new dad in her life. Mumu hadn’t liked men much. She was treated badly by several, but she soon feel in love with a special man in CO. He spoiled her very much, and made sure she was always well fed. Even getting yummy turkey and chickie on the daily.

Mumu lived out the rest of her years spending lots of time napping on soft blankets, and being the center of attention. Her favorite retirement adventures consisted of chasing squirrels and birds, and frolicking in Grandma’s backyard. She would spend hours in the sunshine, being a desert dog at heart, but nonetheless enjoying the wet white stuff that would be on the ground when it was cold. She spent nine years with her mom, Michelle, and her loving family and friends. Everyone loved the Mumu! It was very hard to let her go to the Rainbow Bridge, but the memories shared with Mumu are treasured and held so closely. She is going to live on in the hearts of many till we meet again.