
I smile to you.
I cry for you.
I am joy with you.
You are loved. Now and forever.

Oh Mr. Max. You came into my life after someone else abandoned you. That first day I sat near you, and you… somewhat… accepted my presence. At which point someone said “he looks ready to come out from under the dresser.” You weren’t ready. They pulled you out, and you screamed like I’ve never heard another cat scream before or since — and so you became “Mad Max.” Turns out that was a slight misnomer. You were the sweetest guy I’ve ever known. You often slept upside down, which was absolutely darling. When you weren’t lounging upside down or playing, you kept me company no matter what. Not only that, you always shared your thoughts about what I was working on, unless you got distracted by some delicious catnip! And, of course, our trips in the car where you stood on the window sill and watching the passing landscape with endless fascination. No matter what we did, you were a joyful presence of love and adorations. You’ve departed but I can never stop loving and adoring you.