My Sweet Pal.
My mom and I found Pal at DDFL in January of 2013. She wanted a companion dog and was hoping to find a fluffy terrier like mine. We saw this sad little pup named Rudy and inquired about him. The adoption counselors grilled Mom because Rudy had been an “owner surrender” and then returned by a new adopter. He had two strikes and if he was returned again he would have been euthanized. Mom was retired and would be a good fit for him since he had separation anxiety. She adopted him and renamed him Pal. We worked on his separation anxiety together and over time he got so much better. Mom got sick in 2015 and had to move in with me and brought Pal along. I had just adopted a rescue girl, Lilly, and they became fast friends. Mom soon had to move into memory care and Pal stayed with me and I took him to visit her. All of the residents loved him. He was so sweet and gentle with them. He should have been a therapy dog. When Mom passed away we took him to say goodbye to her at the funeral home. It was very sweet. Pal’s separation anxiety had been long gone until about a year before his death. It all of a sudden came back with a vengeance and now looking back I believe he knew he was sick. He had MCTs and in the end a mass on his liver that took him from us. He was such a happy pup and loved to play with his sister, Lilly and go for walks and rides. My favorite thing about him was how he loved to cuddle and how he met me at the door when I came home. On the day he passed away he was by the patio screen door and huge wind came up and whisked into the house. I believe in my heart it was Mom coming to get him and lift him out of pain. Even though he was rejected twice before we got him, he was LOVED for the majority of his life. We miss you Pal aka Pal-E