
Dog. A man’s best friend. 

This saying could not be more true about our sweet Beso.

It has been 2 weeks since you’ve left us, and not a day goes by that we don’t miss you, think about you or talk about you.

Your love for people, your ball, water, going for walks or truck rides was so huge. We have so many wonderful memories from the past 11 years. Life surely won’t be the same without you, camping will feel lonely, and walks are looking different without you by sisters side. We miss your smirky smiles, your sneezes and your “ friendly talking barks”. I know you’re up in heaven right now playing with all your buddies and chasing every ball you see. Until the day we all meet again, Beso just remember how much we love you and how much you are missed.

Thank you for being our best friend and giving us so much joy. You can and will never be “replaced”

Love – mommy,daddy,sissy yellow 🐶and sissy avalon🐈

Rip buddy 2011-2022