
Reed was a very important and special part of my life. I’m single and have no children so my pets ARE my children! When I adopted Reed from the shelter they told me he was 11. That was 11 years ago. So that would mean that he lived to the ripe old age of 22. I’m not so sure he was actually that old, but regardless, I’m at peace with the fact that he lived a long, happy life and was healthy right up until the very end. I’m grateful for the years we spent together and very grateful that I quit my corporate job a year ago to start my own business and work from home. Little did I know that would be the last year of Reed’s life and that I would get to spend more quality time with him than I ever had before.

Reed was Mr. Personality and loved everyone as soon as they walked in the door. He had so many personality quirks that I’ve never seen in another cat and I suppose I may never again. He loved to wake me up in the morning by climbing onto the pillow next to mine, and meowing and purring in my face until I woke up and petted him. He would then roll around on the bathmat while I took a shower and then lap the water droplets off of the shower door when I opened it. I wasn’t allowed to get ready in the morning or brush my teeth at night without him on the vanity to “help” me. I couldn’t take a bath without him on the bathmat, either, or him putting his front paws on the edge of the tub so that he could peer into the water. He was always there to greet me when I got home and protested my leaving, especially when there was a suitcase involved. He would even “help” me decorate the house for Christmas by investigating all of the ornament boxes and diving into all of the tissue paper. But I miss cuddling with him on the sofa the most – that was our most precious bonding ritual.

One day in March 2016 he started to act not like himself and a few days later I took him to the vet only to find out he had late stage cancer. A few days after that Dr. Lori Lowery came to the house to help Reed pass into the next life. He was sleeping in his favorite spot in the sun and I’m ever so grateful that he was able to go happily and peacefully. I was devastated by Reed’s passing, but I give my most heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lowery and the Caring Pathways team for doing what they do! Reed was my honey pie and he lives on in my heart forever.