by CaringPathways | Aug 10, 2022 | Senior Pet, Uncategorized
Bucket lists can be a powerful tool to celebrate a beloved pet and create positive memories during what can otherwise be a sad and anxious time. It can also provide a sense of control and help families feel that while it’s not possible to cure their pet’s disease or...
by CaringPathways | Feb 11, 2021 | Pet Diseases, Senior Pet
Heart Disease in Dogs What are some of the common heart diseases in dogs? Mitral valve disease- This is when the mitral valve becomes thickened and cannot close correctly. This causes an improper flow of the blood through the heart, making the heart work harder and...
by CaringPathways | Nov 19, 2020 | Pet Cancer, Senior Pet, Pet Safety, Pet Hospice Care
Did you know that November is National Senior Pet Month? It is also Pet Cancer Awareness month. With this in mind, here are some tips for keeping your senior pets healthy and happy. Tip #1: Be proactive in your senior pet’s health In our senior pets, the...
by CaringPathways | Aug 12, 2020 | Senior Pet Tips, Bucket List, Senior Pet
It is no doubt that the cancelled concerts, travel plans, and other summer adventures are a disappointment from this pandemic. There has also been quite a bit of generalized stress and anxiety in this time. However, I find myself grateful for all of the time I have to...
by CaringPathways | Jul 20, 2020 | Senior Pet, Pet Safety, Pet Hospice Care
On a recent camping trip to Salida, CO we decided to visit the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. It was an anxiety-filled day for me, and not simply because I was traversing a suspension bridge thousands of feet above the Arkansas river. It was 100 degrees, and I was...
by CaringPathways | Jun 6, 2019 | Senior Pet, Pet Hospice Care
When the time comes to say goodbye to our family pets, having a bucket list in mind is something that a number of people choose to do to make valuable lasting memories. A bucket list is just as individual and unique as our pets themselves. There is no one way to...