Ten years, a young yellow lab from Missouri bounded into our lives thru the retriever rescue. Abby, you were such a sweet, fun-loving, smiley addition to our household. When you were younger, you loved traipsing through the snow. And catapulting over the bush outside the patio doors to get to your yard. It will always be your yard.

A few months later, we added a black lab puppy as a companion. You two were a dynamic duo. Taking us for summer walks to the dog park. Decoy loved tennis balls, you looked for a playgroup of other dogs. You both engaged almost every person along the trail for some pets.

Through the years, you spent countless evenings guarding the backyard from the sight or scent of coyotes roaming the trail near the house. And hazed them with stern, relentless warning barks. Inside, you parked yourself in front of the pet closet for treats. And stole oinkies from your brother, hiding these upstairs or burying them in the back yard for later. As the day wound down, you settled in a cot beside the couch with your favorite foxy wubba toy. You would whine and get us when the cats or guest dogs took over your spot. Most nights, you slept on the old love seat we just couldn’t part with because it was your bed. We miss you so very much.

We are so thankful for the active, good years you spent in our family. And for Dr Meghan and Caring Pathways to help usher you over the rainbow bridge. We can still feel your presence at all the familiar spots in our home. You will always be alive in our hearts and memories, Abby girl. Forever loved.