
This picture was taken July 4,2002 4 days after Cutter came to live with me. He had already stolen my heart a few months earlier when he came to live at Pine Run Ranch. I remember it like it was yesterday, walking into the barn & there he was, the most adorable red Merle puppy sleeping under the saddle racks. How many times I told him that I was going to kidnap him and take him home with me. And then it happened! Cutter’s cowboy got a job in Texas with a “no dog” policy. My horse trainer talked with Cutter’s owner and he agreed to let Cutter become mine. For the next 14 yrs and 10 months this sweet soul was my side kick, always up for any adventure. As he aged, our adventures became more subdued and I came to love this old man even more. Even though his eyes, ears and body failed him at the end, his heart remained strong and loyal. He put me above everything (well, except maybe balls, as he was a ball addict). He never passed up an opportunity to play ball. Mucking stalls usually ended with 1,2 or even 3 balls at my feet and Cutter poised and ready for the toss.

I new the end was coming but it was still gut wrenching when the vet recommended that it be “today”. I brought Cutter home and we feasted on a butter laden filet mignon. We played a little ball but mostly cuddled. When the vet arrived, Cutter & I laid under a pine tree, I wrapped my arms around him, held him close and told him how happy he made me as he peacefully left this earth. He gave so much love and was greatly loved in return. Bubba, you will always have a special place in my heart.

Cutter: Dec 2001-May 1,2017