
Duke, it has been only a little over a week since we had to say our final good-byes. There hasn’t been a day that has gone by when I haven’t been visited by you in sweet memory. Although there are many tears, there are also smiles and laughter when remembering you as the wonderful dog that you were. You will always be remembered as a beloved member of the family, a protector, a companion, and every once in a while, a silly goofball. I have often stood at the bay window smiling and laughing as I think of your patience while playing with Reese at his water table.


Although I am heartbroken having to say goodbye, I know that you are no longer suffering, but rather running around like crazy doing your favorite things, playing fetch and taking walks. Until we get to take that final walk over the rainbow bridge together, please know that you are missed and loved greatly. Please continue to watch and protect the family in spirit as you did with your physical presence here on earth. Until we meet again…



Donny, Candace, Ben, Reese, Keegan, and Moose.