Our hearts are sad to have lost two of our pets after 15 years of friendship. Gulliver was a rescue from a “death row” shelter. A kind animal control employee spotted him and another “cell mate” and got them to a cat shelter for possible adoption. We of course took them both. We also took Kyan, our little feral girl, who was destined to be a short-lived barn cat. We watched them blossom into their full personalities over the years, as they enjoyed a life of leisure with us. Though Kyan never got totally comfortable with people, she did like other cats and especially liked John. She was an outstanding mouser in her heyday, quick and alert. Gulliver was a cat who was sure he was a person. Cats who fetch are special and Gulliver was definitely special. He was the best at inter-species communication. When he wanted something, he could let us know. We still miss these two, as does the “last cat standing,” his cell mate, who seems confused about why his pals are gone. Hopefully more love and attention will help him adjust. We all miss these two a lot.