Harry, Words will never be able to express the amount of joy, laughter and love you brought into our lives, home and hearts. Our time with you was way too short. We lost you way too soon. Even though we were only together for 4 short years, it’s impossible to imagine a time before you entered our lives and become our world. We miss you every day, at every turn in the house. Your cute little face was always there with us. You were the funniest cat. We miss the hard work you did around the house from bag and box inspector, electronics, “King of the Laundry” , appliance installation, gardening, and food taster. We loved playing chase in the house and the sheet game every Sunday! From exploring every open cabinet and teaching us that there should never be a closed door in the house. We miss doing yoga with you in the mornings and you sleeping curled up close by during meditation. We miss going to work with you in the home office everyday and you making us take breaks to let you outside to explore the courtyard. Miss your cute meow demanding treats and even more, I miss the silent open mouthed meows. Kissing your cute nose before treat time. Thanks for always waiting up for us and greeting us by the door to welcome us home. We will see you again when it is our time to cross the rainbow bridge. Until then we will visit you in our dreams. Love mom and dad xoxo