
Mojoe Higdon (11-15-2006 to 5-18-2019)

It’s been a little over two months since I had to say farewell to you my baby boy. I wanted to do this tribute immediately, but I was so depressed and unable to get myself to face this reflection. And even now I cry at an instance of it, but I want to say how amazing you were in your physical life here with me and all who knew you in that part of your soul’s journey.

You were absolutely the best looking dog, so amazingly cute and handsome. Your soul is perfect and shined through your state of being. All kids and adults and other animals loved you because you were so incredible, obviously! You were the most precious boy of all time.

I loved showing you off being a Shih Tzu and obsessed with the tennis ball; fetching and bringing it back like a lab or retriever. It was the talk of everyone who ever met you. How you slept with 5+ balls at your side, making sure they were all close by when ya took a pup nap. You sleeping on your back with a full size tennis ball in your mouth still.. me shaking my head and thinking how the heck can he sleep like that?! And how does that small mouth hold that big old ball all the time?? LOL.

You cracked me up, so much character it brightened everyone’s world up when they were near you! You are my guardian angel I always said, and I still believe even though you are not here with me in the physical, you still look over me and help me through life. I love you so so much! You impacted my life immensely.

You been through a lot with me and I am sorry for the bad choices I did make at times, that you had to suffer along with me in it. But I thank you for always being there for me, for being my therapy, for giving me extra love when I was sad, and for being such a good boy; even when you were dying from that stupid cancer (cancer SUCKS) and sick as hell. I can’t even imagine how you managed to hang in there for me those 2 months after diagnosed with it. I am so sorry if I allowed you to suffer at any time, but I had a real hard time trying to come to terms with our goodbye. Please forgive me, and because I know your heart, you forgave me before I even knew any better to ask for it. I love you MOJOE I love you to the ends of this earth and onto the heavens. 

You will never have been a pet to me; you are my child, my family, an angel sent from God to me. And you live on in heaven now, in my heart and mind forever. I pray our souls stay bonded and that we can be together again at the end of my days here in my physical. Until then I pray you are in heaven enjoying that world and doing anything your heart and soul desires because you deserve it 100,000%!

Love your hooman mama,
Angie Higdon