
It was finally the time to make the heartbreaking decision to help my Zoe girl (Zoezy, Zoezilla, Pistol Pants, Mama, Baby Girl) cross the bridge on Sat. 3.7.20. She went at home on my bed with me very peacefully. Thank you to Caring Pathways for their help and support. She had been such an amazing pup, even diagnosed with osteosarcoma and degenerative myelopathy for months at the end. And she was the absolute alpha boss to the very end. Her brothers are lost without her, they don’t even know where to sleep without her deciding who gets which bed. This girl was a gift from God to me. She loved me unconditionally. She nursed me through diagnosis after diagnosis and surgery after surgery and challenge after challenge. She fell head over heels for my husband Regis McGarry the first time she met him. She was smart and sassy and funny and creative and intuitive and loved me without reservation every minute of our lives after we rescued each other. She loved Meg until she passed and loved Leo and loved being in charge of Joe. Our last day had a photo shoot with the amazing Alex Hearn Photography, a car ride and a picnic with steak and a paw bender. She LOVED food and ate a big treat cookie until the last minute. She took a big piece of my heart with her and I will miss my Baby B Zoe forever.

RIP Zoe McGarry 4.1.10 to 3.7.20