
Dr. Danielle and Dr. Magnuson

Feb 23, 2018

My experience with Caring Pathways began late one night when I finally realized I needed to consult a professional to help organize myself for a very difficult step. I recognized for the first time in my life that I had to put my beloved companion Bridget down because she no longer had any quality of life. I did an on line search which produced Caring Pathways. At 11:30 at night I called Caring Pathways and to my surprise with great relief a person actually answered the phone. Dr. Danielle who took the call was incredibly patient with me as I stumbled through the conversation. Dr. Danielle not only listened to my concerns, answered all my questions, she carefully with sympathy for my sorrow immediately gathered information and set up a time for Dr. Larry Magnuson to be to my home.

Dr. Magnuson came the next day promptly at the time Dr. Danielle had indicated. Dr. Magnuson listened to me and fully explained all the procedures only after he took the time to completely understand my emotional challenges. Dr. Magnuson properly advised me of the decision I knew was coming…I had to put my beloved Bridget down.

Dr. Magnuson was entirely immersed in the process where he was able to not only manage my questions and emotions he also concurrently managed the process of preparing Bridget and allowing her with dignity to move on to a better place later described to me as Rainbow heaven where I was most assured that she would be in a place bet plenty of food, water, friends and sunshine to keep her warm and comfortable forever… In my mind there are challenges in life we must address that are incredibly difficult. Caring Pathways is organization I would highly recommend because without consultation and advice from Dr. Danielle and Dr. Magnuson my beloved Bridget would not have had the comfort of moving on in her own home. Caring Pathways removes stress not only for you, but for your dog, cat, lizard, bird or any other companion animal that faces along with you the unfortunate circumstance of dealing with the prospect of euthanasia.

Thank you Dr. Danielle and Dr. Magnuson.