
Lily came to us on February 20th, 12 years ago as what they thought was a 3 year old dog. From the moment we met her she melted our hearts and became a solid member of our family. The night we brought her home she curled up in her bed and slept all night as well as most nights there after. She loved to walk and we made sure because of boxer energy we walked her twice a day rain or shine as long as it was above zero. She loved going on hikes with our son but snow shoeing was not her favorite thing to do especially if the snow hit her belly. Last year she was diagnosed with a degenerative spine and arthritis. When the thing she loved the most, a walk, was no longer something she could do without pain we decided quality of life was worth more than quantity so at age 15 (we think) on May 4th she  crossed the rainbow bridge with the help of Caring Pathways and Dr. Steve. We can not begin to find the words to thank them for making this transition tolerable for us and comfortable for her. We will miss her forever but are glad she is no longer in pain and can see her playing and running like she used to love to do with her friends she knew here on earth.

Bill and Gail Reinke