
Lindt was our baby. She lived a wonderful life. Trips to the mall and the beach, hiked mountains in Colorado, was the title character of a short film, dined in coffee houses and restaurants, an unofficial therapy dog and mascot in a nursing home and an assisted living facility. She rode three planes. She had more mileage than most dogs and even some people. She was loved. Not only by our family but everyone she came across. They all noticed her smile, her energy and her helicopter like tail. She was pretty and charming. She received kisses and hugs and pets and she sat on residents’ laps. She might not have puppies of her own but she nursed a total of seven kittens. She was a lover and a giver.

Lindt was born on April 9, 2009 and she came into our home and our hearts two months later. On September 29, 2020, Dr. Emilea Burton of Caring Pathways assisted us in saying our heartbreaking goodbye. 11 years and 5 months seems to be too short but in doggie years, that was enough. She gave us her all. This pain will get better in time. Our baby is now an angel dog. It’s her turn to take care of us now. The next time we see each other may be in 20, 30 years but for her, that would be short.

Thank you, Caring Pathways for providing Lindt with the best possible care on her last day. Lindt, watch over us, baby. Wait for us. You will come greet us all up there whenever that may be. But remember, you were loved and still loved. Always.